Plato used to say...
'The objects we perceive are not the ultimate reality, but more like a shadow of reality.'
He explained this in the following analogy, 'The Cave'.
A group of people, living in an underground cave since they were born, are forced to sit with their backs to the entrance. All they can see is the far wall of the cave. In the mouth of the cave is a large fire, and between the fire and the people’s back parade various creatures, whose shadows are cast by the fire on to the cave wall.
The prisoners in the cave cannot turn their heads to see the creatures, all they can see are the flickering shadows on the wall in front of them. Since this is all they have ever seen since the day they were born, they presume these shadows are all there is.
Then, one of the prisoners manages to free himself and, looking around, realizes that everything he took to be reality up to now... is but a shadow.
Outside he finds the true world of color and three-dimensional forms!
Overjoyed with his discovery, he returns to the group to tell them the wonderful news. But try as he might, he cannot convince them that everything they see are but flickering shadows of the "real world". In the end the other prisoners kill him rather than accept such a nonsensical notion.'
What this means is, that our perception of reality is not reality itself
but our own version of it, or our "map".
No two people will have entirely the same 'map'. While, most of us have similar neurological structure, it functions differently in each of us. We all use what is called are Subnomalities or our 'senses'. These are made up of Visual (Sight), Auditory (Sound), Kinestetic (Touch & feeling), Gustatory (Taste), and Au-factory (Smell). We use a combination of these senses and often more of our preferred ones, to come to our conclusions of things.
This can be the basis for many of the problems we encounter in our daily lives, when we presume to 'know' something is 'as it is', or trying to impose our 'map' onto another person.
Learning to recognize the structure of another person's map allows us to more accurately
"see the world though their eyes" and therefore be able to understand and relate to others on a deeper level.
Remembering this can help us change our old beliefs, therefore often changing our old habits.
Change your way of thinking and you will change your actions.
Always remember
'The map is not the territory'
and your discoveries will be enlightening.
Below is a really interesting article with a cool demonstration on how we sometimes see things differently then the actual reality...
If you want to understand more how the mind works and the link between the conscious and subconscious then lets look at the process in more depth.....(-:
When you develop a thought, it is firstly analyzed by the conscious mind which then sends electro-chemicals to the brain. As the electro-chemicals travel through the brain, neural pathways are opened up and the data passes through. The conscious mind then attaches emotion to the thought based on its 'perceived' interpretation of this data. This increases the vibration of the thought and it is at this time that a belief is created and then stored in the subconscious mind.
This belief may be based on truth, reality, or even a lie. It depends on where the thought came from and how it had been interpreted. It can then be accessed and utilized in the future by the conscious mind, to either support or deny any future thoughts that are inputted into the conscious mind.
When the conscious mind receives this
same input again, the subconscious mind will locate and
provide the data
which was stored previously and then send it back to the
conscious mind with an emotion of some type, which was also
previously with this data. This will create a
vibration based on the frequency of the data presented.
So keep in mind (-: if your thoughts are helpful and positive or not.
Remember, the subconscious mind
does not know the difference between what is real or imagined.
It only
responds to what is fed to it.
So for it to work
correctly, you must be sure and clear of what you are feeding it,
if you really want to succeed at creating the life of your dreams....
'Everything you can imagine is real'
Pablo Picasso
To all your dreams,
Danielle x
Your Mind Coach
More on this here....
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